Tommy Wallach Reviews

Company: Manhattan Prep

5.0 /5 Average Rating
Based on 3 reviews
October 18, 2012

Joined: Oct 18, 2012

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I truly believe I should be the MGMAT spokesperson


I've been struggling with the GMAT since I started in 2007. I took Kaplan paid over $5000, got a private tutor and did the whole course. The result on the official test was a 480 in 2008. Discouraged I gave up trying to take the GMAT. I hated the damn thing.

But about 1.5 years later I realized I needed to ask the GMAT out on another date. So I signed up for MGMAT. Again same story my diagnostic showed me scoring around 490, so I was kind of hoping for a miracle from my instructor and course. I worked really hard, did everything I could possibly do to get my goal of 660 or higher. I finally take the test and this time score lower than my first test, receiving a score of 470.

Now you can imagine how I felt. I just wasn't good at the GMAT. So discouraged again I contemplated giving up on going to business school. A month later without studying I took a practice cat exam at got a 530. So I'm thinking to myself, okay maybe their is hope. This motivates me to retake MGMAT, but this time online from 9:30-11:30. I work really hard and on my 5th session I'm like what the heck I got $250 to blow let me take the GMAT. So the weekend before Fourth of July, I take the test and get a 570. I'm like wow, I'm amazing.

So I finish the remaining of my course and decide in a few months I might try to retake it again or just apply to a dungeon business school. I continue to work hard and start reviewing my material over and over again. I decide that my score wasn't good enough to go to a top business school, so i promised my self i would take GMAT one last time. I schedule my test for sept 29th, which gave me a month to tweak my skills. I take practice test after practice test and I'm no where I need to be. I can't even break 600. The last practice GMAT prep test I take gets me a score of 530. This is one week going into the exam. But I told myself I worked too hard to not break a 660. So the day of my test, I tell myself to put it all on the line. I take the quant and it’s very difficult, I'm like great here comes another 500. I take the verbal and I feel better. Than it comes down to accepting my score. I hit yes and than the score appears. The score was kind of blurry because I had tears in my eyes. Here I am a grown adult tearing on my score. I got a 680, with a 50 on my quant. I'm like are u kidding me. I still feel like my official score will come back and say “sorry we made a mistake". It's just a relief to have closure. The scary part is I got in the 64% in verbal, a few more questions correct on that section I could of broken 700.

I promise I'm not thinking of taking the test again. But I can tell you with experience if I can go from a 470- 680, than anyone can be taught the GMAT. The structure that MGMAT has is not like no other. Everything you need to obtain a 800 is in the MGMAT curriculum. From the CAT Tests, detailed workbooks and forums, MGMAT does wonders. It just requires sacrifice and dedication.

If anyone needs any guidance please contact me, I want to pay it forward to anyone that wants hope. I'm sure some of you might think that my story is impossible. I'm just like you guys, seeing is believing. So i've attached a picture of my latest score report. Again, i'm more than happy to help anyone.

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